DBSA Find A Pro

Recommend a Facility / Organization

Need help finding the address?

* denotes required field
Mental Health Professional's Contact Info:
*Treatment Facility
/Hospital Name:
* Street Address:
* City:
* State:
Zip Code:
* Office Number:
Fax Number:
http:// or https:// are required
* Provides Treatment for: (select all that apply)
Bipolar Disorder (Adult):
Depression (Adult):
Mood Disorders in Children:
Mood Disorders in Late Life:
Substance Use:
If Other:
Find a Professional

If you can't remember the exact location of the treatment facility you would like to recommend, use the Google search feature to help you get all the details correct. For instance, if you can't remember the exact street address or phone number of the facility, enter the facility name, city and state into the Google Maps search and review the resulting listings to locate and find detailed information regarding the facility you would like to recommend.

Please take care to check your recommendation carefully before submitting it in the box below. Remember, your peers are counting on you to enter the information as accurately and completely as possible.